PC-Duo Master User Guide

Remote Printing tab

Access the Remote Print Manager settings and monitor the progress of remote printing jobs using the Remote Printing tab on the Master Connection Window.  An active remote control connection must be maintained between the Host computer and the local computer to complete the remote printing process.
Remote printing has been completely re-written for PC-Duo v12.7.  You now have the ability to print in both directions, from Host to Master or from Master to Host.  You no longer have to install matching printer drivers on Host and Master.  You can send the same print job to multiple destinations at once.  You can send saved print job files to a remote printer without going through the print process all over again.  And remote printing works Peer-to-Peer as well as via Gateway, and on all PC-Duo v12.7 supported Windows platforms, (desktop and server operating systems, both 32-bit and 64-bit editions).  All of this is made possible by two key components of PC-Duo remote printing - the PC-Duo XPS Printer driver, and the PC-Duo Remote Print Manager. 
When you install PC-Duo Master on a computer, you also get the PC-Duo XPS Printer driver and Remote Print Manager.  The XPS driver is used to create printer-independent XPS files, and the Remote Print Manager is used to manage sending and receiving print jobs (files) over one or more remote printing connections.  When you make a remote printing connection to a Host, the Remote Print Manager starts up and places an icon in the system notification area (system tray).  PC-Duo Master v12.7 automatically makes a remote printing connection when you make a remote control connection.
To print from Master to Host via an open a Connection Window, you simply use your application's print function to print to the PC-Duo Printer (automatically installed for you).  The PC-Duo XPS driver converts the resulting print job into a printer-independent XPS file which it then submits to the Remote Print Manager.  The Remote Print Manager automatically sends the file to the Host via the open remote printing connection, where it is received by the Host's own Remote Print Manager and printed according to the Host's Remote Print Manager settings. 
To print from Host to Master, you simply use the Host application's print function to print to the PC-Duo Printer on the Host (automatically installed with PC-Duo Host).  The resulting print job is sent to your local machine and printed according to your local Remote Print Manager settings.
u     "Configure Remote Printing settings on your local computer"
u "Configure Remote Printing settings on a Host computer”
u "Print from Host to one or more Masters”
u "Print from Master to one or more Hosts”
u "Printing to mixed Host and Master targets”
u "Printing when there are no valid targets”
u "Send a saved print job file over a remote printing connection”