PC-Duo Master User Guide

Manipulate files and folders for file transfer

The following file and folder information is listed on the File Transfer tab:
u   The top panels display the folder hierarchy, but only reveal the contents of the nodes of the tree that you explicitly open.
u   No files appear in the top panels, nor do any folders appear in any bottom panels.
u   A drive, folder, or one or more files must be selected before you can perform most file transfer operations.
When you double-click a computer, drive or folder, a list of all of the folders (or devices) that it contains displays in the top panel. The single files are listed in the bottom panel. Display the files within any folder by selecting the folder in the top panel and choosing the List Directory command from the right-click menu.
u   Use standard Windows mouse and keyboard controls to browse your directory listings.
u   Perform the following directory organization tasks on either computer by right-clicking one or more files or a folder, and selecting one of the following commands:
w   Delete - to delete selected files or folders.
w   Rename - to rename files or folders.
w   Create Directory - to create folders by entering the folder path.
w   Move - to move files or folders by entering the folder path.
w   Copy - to copy files or folders by entering the folder path.