PC-Duo Host User Guide

Gateways Tab

PC-Duo Hosts can be configured to report to one or more PC-Duo Gateways.  For security purposes, all connection attempts can be forced to go through the specified Gateways by selecting the appropriate Connection Restrictions.  Select Remote control and related services to require remote control (including viewing the screen and input control), file transfer, remote printing, clipboard transfer, and chat connections to come through a Gateway listed on the Gateways tab.  Select Host administration and remote management to require remote Host administration and remote management connections to come through a Gateway listed on the Gateways tab.  With these option, administrators can take advantage of Gateway-based security policies and prevent unauthorized connections via peer-to-peer or unlisted Gateways.
Note that the Deployment Tool “Update Host Settings” feature makes a peer-to-peer (non-Gateway based) connection to the Host, so checking the Host administration checkbox prevents that feature from being used.  The list of valid Gateways to which the Host should report can be managed with the following options:
u   “Add Gateway”
u   “Edit Gateway”
u   “Remove Gateway”
u   “Move Up”
u   “Move Down”
u   “Details”
u   “Resend Status”
u   “View Error”
The Host Workstation ID is a unique identifier generated at installation time, which PC-Duo Gateway uses for reporting and reference purposes.