PC-Duo Master User Guide

Toolbar Options

Table below summarizes the functions of icons available on the tool bar when the Master Connection Window is set to the Remote Control tab.
Function (From left to right)
Connects to the selected Host computer with the Remote Control tab selected.
Connects to the selected Host computer with the File Transfer tab selected.
Connects to the selected Host computer with the Remote Printing tab selected.
Connects to the selected Host computer with the Remote Management tab selected.
Closes Master Connection Window and disconnects from Host computer.
Displays the screen output from the remote Host computer using either the entire desktop or the current monitor screen on the local computer. To return to the local computer display, click the Full Screen button on the floating palette, or press F11 in the Master Connection Window.
Scales the image of the Host computer display to fit the size of the Connection Window.
Specifies that one pixel of the Host computer display corresponds to exactly one pixel on the display of the local computer.
Allows selection of a single monitor, of a multi-monitor Host, to be selected and “zoomed in” on.
Gives keyboard and mouse control of the Host computer to the remote user of a PC-Duo Gateway-managed connection.
Sends a CTRL-ALT-DEL key sequence to the Host.
Sends a predefined key combination to the Host computer as though it were entered on the keyboard of the remote Host computer when you are connected to it for remote control. This is useful for sending special key combinations such as Ctrl-Alt-Del.
Tells the Host to disable visual effects.
Suppresses keyboard and mouse input at the Host.
Blanks the Host screen so that it can be used by the Master user privately.
Automatically copies the contents of the clipboard between the remote Host computer and the local computer when you view the Remote Control tab.
Copies the contents of the clipboard on the remote Host computer to the clipboard on your local computer when you view the Remote Control tab.
Copies the contents of the clipboard on your local computer to the clipboard on the remote Host computer when you view the Remote Control tab.
Opens a Chat window in which  text messages can be sent to Host and to any other Masters connected to that Host.
Copies a selected region of the Host computer display in the Master Connection Window to the clipboard on your local computer from the Remote Control tab.
Displays the Connection Window Settings dialog, which contains settings for the Remote Control tab.