PC-Duo Master console includes a menu item Connection > Connect to VNC Server… to initiate a peer-to-peer connection to a VNC server. A dialog box will appear to prompt for the information required to connect to the server. The required information is the server name (DNS name or IP address), the protocol (currently the only option is TCP), and the port (default is set to port 5900). VNC servers normally require a password for authentication. This password can be entered in the dialog box. If no password is entered, but the VNC server requires one, a dialog box will appear to collect the password.
Once connected, the remote display of the computer running the VNC server appears in a standard Master Connection Window. The Connection Window for a VNC server has the following limitations:
uOnly the Remote Control service is supported at this time. Menu options and icons for other services such as File Transfer, Remote Printing, Remote Management and Chat are disabled.
uOther configuration options are not applicable
uSome shortcut commands are not applicable, depending on which OS platform the VNC server is running; see table below for more detail