PC-Duo Master User Guide

Menu Options

The following table describes menu commands and, in some cases, their equivalent tool bar icons in the PC-Duo Master Connection Window.  The menu items and icons that display depend on which tab you select.
Opens a window that displays the information about the remote connection.
Closes a connection to one or more of the PC-Duo services to the remote Host computer.  If you choose Remote Control, the Master Connection Window closes.
Begin Recording
Starts a recording of the screen display of the remote Host computer.  The Master must connect to the Host through a Gateway to enable recording.
Stop Recording
Stops a recording of the screen display of the remote Host computer. The completed recording will be accessible on the Gateway through which the Master connected to the Host.
Add to Favorites
Adds the Host computer to which you are connected to the Favorites list on the PC-Duo Master console window.
Add to Cycling Monitor Hosts
Adds the open Host computer (from the Remote Control tab on the Master Connection Window) to the Cycling Monitor Hosts list on the PC-Duo Master console window.
Terminates the connection to the current Host and closes the Master Connection Window.
Input Control
Gives keyboard and mouse control of the Host computer to the remote user of a PC-Duo Gateway-managed connection.
Send Keystroke
Sends a predefined key combination to the Host computer as though it were entered on the keyboard of the remote Host computer when you are connected to it for remote control.  This is useful for sending special key combinations such as Ctrl-Alt-Del.
Request Screen Refresh
Sends command to remote Host computer to refresh screen capture.
Auto-Share Clipboard
Automatically copies the contents of the clipboard between the remote Host computer and the local computer when you view the Remote Control tab.
Get Clipboard from Host
Copies the contents of the clipboard on the remote Host computer to the clipboard on your local computer when you view the Remote Control tab.
Send Clipboard to Host
Copies the contents of the clipboard on your local computer to the clipboard on the remote Host computer when you view the Remote Control tab.
Copy Host Screen
Copies a selected region of the Host computer display in the Master Connection Window to the clipboard on your local computer from the Remote Control tab.
Menu Bar
Toggles whether the menu bar is displayed in the Master Connection Window.
Tool Bar
Toggles whether the tool bar is displayed in the Master Connection Window.
Caption Bar
Toggles whether the caption bar is displayed in the Master Connection Window.
Toggles whether tabs are displayed in the Master Connection Window.
Status Bar
Toggles whether the status bar is displayed in the Master Connection Window.
Remote Control Page
Toggles whether the Remote Control tab is displayed.
File Transfer Page
Toggles whether the File Transfer tab is displayed.
Remote Printing Page
Toggles whether the Remote Printing tab is displayed.
Remote Management Page
Toggles whether the Remote Management tab is displayed.
Fit to Window
Scales the image of the Host computer display to fit the size of the Connection Window.
Fit 1-to-1
Specifies that one pixel of the Host computer display corresponds to exactly one pixel on the display of the local computer.
Full Screen
Displays the screen output from the remote Host computer using either the entire desktop or the current monitor screen on the local computer. To return to the local computer display, click the Full Screen button on the floating palette, or press F11 in the Master Connection Window.
Open Chat Window
Opens a Chat window in which text messages can be sent to Host and to any other Masters connected to that Host.
Keyboard Mapping...
Opens the Keyboard Mapping window, which lets you define the key combinations that you can enter on the local computer to initiate keystrokes on the Host computer.
Connection Window Settings...
Displays the Connection Window Settings dialog, which contains settings for various tabs in the Master Connection Window.
Disable Visual Effects
Toggles whether the visual effecstsare displayed in the Master Connection Window.
Suppress Host Mouse & Keyboard
Check Suppress Host Mouse & Keyboard option from the Remote Control tab of Master Connection Window to request that the remote Host computer mouse and keyboard be disabled.  If this request is granted, the user at the remote Host computer cannot operate that computer when you connect to it through PC-Duo Master. You maintain exclusive control throughout your Master Connection Window.
Blank Host Screen
Toggles whether the Host's screen is blank for the console user.
Remote Control Page
Makes the Remote Control tab active.
File Transfer Page
Makes the File Transfer tab active.
Remote Printing Page
Makes the Remote Printing tab active.
Remote Management Page
Makes the Remote Management tab active.
Help Topics
Opens the PC-Duo Master online help system.
Vector Networks Home Page
Opens the Vector Networks home page in a browser window.
Check for Updates and Maintenance Releases
Opens a web page with information about recent updates and new releases of PC-Duo software.
About PC-Duo Master...
Displays version number and license key information for PC-Duo Master.