PC-Duo Master User Guide

Group one or more saved searches

Two or more searches can be grouped together to poll for Host computers.  The result of using a polling group is that the combined results appear in a single list on the Peer-to-Peer Hosts tab.  For example, polling groups can be used to combine the results of IPv4 and IPv6 searches, or collecting the results of different address ranges.  Searches must be created separately and saved, before they can be combined into a group.  To create a group of searches for polling, follow these steps:
1    Select New > Group from the Manage Polling Ranges window.  The Polling Range Definition window appears.
2    Click the check box to select any previously created searches to include in the polling group.
3    Enter a name for the polling group in the Descriptive Name field.
4    Save your polling group using one of the following methods:
u   Click Apply to apply changes and leave the Polling Range Definition window open to create more groups.
u   Click OK to save changes and close the Polling Range Definition window.