PC-Duo Master User Guide

File Transfer

Use the File Transfer tab of the Default Connection Window Settings window to provide default settings for remote file transfer.  Select the following:
u   View file attributes: An extra column that provides file attribute information appears on both the left and right sides of the File Transfer tab.
u   View hidden & system files: Hidden and system files are added to both the left and right sides of the File Transfer tab.
Specify the following default settings:
u   Default starting directories for local and remote computers
u   The location for local and remote computer files. For example, select View local file system under Left Pane Settings to view local files on the left side of the File Transfer tab and the remote files on the right side.
u   The category by which the files on each side are sorted:
w   Choose Name to sort files by file name
w   Choose Size to sort files by file size
w   Choose Modified to sort files by the file modification date