PC-Duo Master User Guide

Connection Tab

Use the Connection tab to set and display the settings for favorite Host computers.  If the favorite computer you select is a peer-to-peer Host computer (originally listed on the Peer-to-Peer Hosts tab), the Connection tab displays information similar to the below.  The following Host computer connection properties can be edited:
u   Connection protocol: Select a Protocol from this list.
u   Connection port: Select the standard Port or type in a port number.
u   Type in the Station Specifier or other items using the following syntax: network_address:machine_network_name. A station specifier is an optional network specifier followed by a colon, and a station name (which can include wild cards). It can be:
w   a protocol-specific network address prefixed with ‘@’
w   a DNS name (for UDP and TCP)
w   a PC-Duo station specification
u   Check or uncheck Use encryption.
If the favorite computer you select is a managed Host computer (originally listed on the managed Hosts tab), the connection properties of a managed Host computer displays.  Edit the Host key, which is the key used by the PC-Duo Gateway to specify the Host computer address.  When Gateway is clicked, the following information relevant to your local connection to the PC-Duo Gateway appears.