Opens both the PC-Duo Master console window and the PC-Duo Master Connection window, connecting to a computer whose DNS name is using the UDP/IP protocol, valid username, ACME\george, and password foo.
Command 2:
proxy.exe /PTCP /S""
Uses the TCP/IP protocol to connect to a remote Host computer with network address, using the local computer user credentials.
Command 3:
proxy.exe /PTCP /S"jackson"
Uses the TCP/IP protocol to connect to a remote Host computer named jackson with local computer user credentials. All other PC-Duo Master console window configuration parameters are specified in the current configuration of PC-Duo Master.
Command 4:
proxy.exe /PTCP /S"jackson" jackson.prx4
Uses the TCP/IP protocol to connect to a remote Host computer named jackson with local computer user credentials. All other PC-Duo Master console window configuration parameters are specified in the PC-Duo Master shortcut file named jackson.prx4.
Command 5:
proxy.exe /PTCP /W"Jackson" /Sjackson
Uses the TCP/IP protocol to connect to a remote Host computer named jackson with local computer user credentials. The resulting Connection Window is titled jackson.
Command 6:
proxy.exe /H /PUDP /S"jackson"
Uses the UDP/IP protocol to connect to a remote Host computer named jackson with local computer user credentials, and hides the PC-Duo Master console window for this connection.
Command 7:
proxy.exe jackson-2008-04-24.prxrec
Opens a Playback window to play the recording file “jackson-2008-04-24.prxrec" from local file store