PC-Duo Master User Guide

Begin Recording

To record activity on a Host computer, you must be connected to the PC-Duo Gateway that manages the Host, but you do not have to be connected to the Host computer itself. One or more recording sessions can occur at the same time.  To record screen activity:
1.    Connect to the PC-Duo Gateway that manages the Host computers on which you want to record screen activity.
2.    In the list of managed Hosts, select each Host on which you want to record activity.
3.    Right-click and choose Record, or choose Connection > Record from the menu. The Record Selected Host(s) window opens.
4.    In the Record Selected Host(s) window, specify the Recording Span in minutes. The default setting is 5.
5.    Click OK to begin recording.
As soon as the recording begins, it is listed in Host Recordings.  When a recording has finished, it remains listed in Host Recordings but the icon changes.