To make a connection from PC-Duo Master to a Host computer through a RAS server, the PC-Duo RAS server must be added to the drop-down list of PC-Duo RAS servers. To add a PC-Duo RAS server:
1.From the Gateway Hosts tabs, click Manage, or choose Gateway > Manage Gateway List from the menu. The Manage Gateways window opens.
2. Click New. The Gateway Connection Properties window opens.
3. In the Connection tab, follow these steps:
Enter a name for the PC-Duo Gateway in the Display Name box.
Select a connection protocol from the Protocol list.
Select a standard Port or type in a port number.
NOTE: The default port number for WSS protocol is 443. Both TCP and SSL cannot listen on the same port, and must therefore be configured for distinct ports. The default <Standard> PC-Duo Gateway port number for TCP and UDP is 2303.
4. Identify the PC-Duo Gateway in the Gateway Specifier text box with either of the following methods:
Type the DNS name (recommended) or name, or network IP address
Click Find Gateway to open the Find Gateway Wizard, which walks you through the steps to find a PC-Duo RAS server.
5. If you want to change the default Protocol or Port, select another choice from the list. See “Connection tab” for details.
6.In the Connect As tab, there are two login options for connecting to the PC-Duo Gateway:
Leave the default, Use logged-in username and password, to accept the existing user login credentials.
Select Use the following username and password and type a different User name and Password to change the login credentials.
7.Click OK to close the Gateway Connection Properties window. The PC-Duo Gateway is now listed in the Manage Gateways window.
8.Modify/delete Gateways in the Manage Gateways window:
a. Select a PC-Duo Gateway in the list and click Edit to edit its properties.
b. Select a PC-Duo Gateway in the list and click Remove to remove it.
c. Click Close to return to the PC-Duo Master window.