PC-Duo Master User Guide

Active Connections Tab

View active remote connections from the Active Connections tab of the PC-Duo Master window.  View active connections as follows:
u   Each Host computer to which you establish a remote control connection is listed separately.
u   If you establish a cycling connection, then the corresponding currently active Host computer is listed with a dark green icon.
Select the Active Connections tab to view concise information about each of the current connections in five columns:
u   The Display Name column indicates the name by which the connection is identified.
u   The Connected at column indicates the time and date at which the connection is established.
u   The Protocol column indicates whether the connection uses the TCP/IP, UDP/IP, or SSL protocol.
u   The Gateway column indicates the PC-Duo Gateway (if any) that manages the connection.
u   The Network Address column indicates the network address of the Host computer, displayed in IPv4 or IPv6 format as appropriate.
u   The Recorded at column indicates the time when a recording session on the Host computer was started
u   The Duration column indicates how long the recording session lasted
Double-click an entry to return to the associated connection activity (remote control or cycling).