Select Help > About PC-Duo Master to display details about the PC-Duo Master software that is installed on your computer.
The AboutPC-Duo tab displays the following information:
uThe name and version number of your software
uCopyright information
uLicense key(s) registered with the package
Some features available with PC-Duo Master are specified by the license key(s) you purchase. Only the features that you have licensed for use are available to you. You may have entered one or more licenses. These appear in the License(s) list. There are two buttons in the AboutPC-Duo window:
uAdd License: Add more license keys by clicking Add License and entering your license number in the Add License Key window. See “Licensing” for more information.
uSystem Information: Click on System Information to generate a detailed report about the configuration of your workstation. This report is saved as a text file named Yourcomputername_Config.txt on your desktop.