PC-Duo Host User Guide


PC-Duo Host includes a utility program named hostprep.exe to address issues with operating system imaging.  The Hostprep utility appears in the PC-Duo Utilities file.  To avoid the problem of having duplicate HostIDs, the hostprep utility must be run to delete the ID before the operating system image is captured.  Any given PC-Duo Gateway server will distinguish one Host computer from another based on its GUID so it is important that each machine have a unique one.
NOTE: You must prepare the Host software for imaging just before you use the Microsoft-provided SysPrep utility to prepare the operating system.
After the machine is set up and all Host settings are configured, and immediately before running the Microsoft-provided SysPrep utility, run the hostprep.exe utility from a command prompt. The optional command line argument “-y” can be used to avoid a prompt to continue.  When HostPrep runs, it stops the Host service and prepares the Host for imaging. It is critical that the Host service not restart before the operating system image is captured because when the Host starts, it undoes the actions completed by the HostPrep utility.  For more information about operating system imaging, please see the Microsoft TechNet Desktop Deployment Center at