PC-Duo Host User Guide

Effects Tab

Graphical effects on the Host screen during remote control connections can be configured through settings on the Effects tab.  By disabling visual effects, for example, the amount of screen data that is captured and transmitted over the network can be greatly reduced, improving speed and performance.  Choose one of three options to determine whether or not visual effects should be disabled:
u   Enable visual effects on the Host computer: Select Never disable effects to keep current visual effects settings on the Host in place.
u   Allow PC-Duo Master user to disable some or all visual effects on the Host computer: Select Upon request, permit Master to disable selected effects (this is default option). Check any options under Visual Effects which you want PC-Duo Master user to have control over.
u   Disable some or all visual effects on the Host computer whenever a remote control connection is made: Select Always disable the selected effects. Check any options under Visual Effects which you want PC-Duo Master user to have control over.
The particular visual effects that are enabled or disabled are controlled by the settings checked under Visual Effects:
u   Aero Glass (desktop composition)
u   Background wallpaper or pattern
u   Mouse shadows and trails
u   Font smoothing and ClearType
u   Menu shadows and window animations
u   Show window contents while dragging
u   Screen Saver
NOTE:  Aero Glass will be activated on Windows Vista and later platforms