Most of the configuration options in the PROXY Pro Host Control Panel window can be modified. These options are related to the PhSetup commands that you execute from a command line. For more information, see the PROXY Pro Host Guide. Modify the following configuration options for PROXY Pro Host:
Access tab
Access Restrictions: Specify the remote access policy:
Select Permit connection to permit remote connections from authenticated PROXY Pro Master users to your Host computer.
Select Lock out connection to prevent any remote connections from PROXY Pro Master users to your Host computer.
Select Lock out or Permit connection based on time zone to permit or refuse remote connections to your Host computer based on the day of the week and the time of day. You can specify permitted access by time when you click Time Zone Settings.
Connection Permissions
You can optionally specify that you require or allow the Host computer operator to grant remote access permission to the Host computer. If you require this feature, you can change the Grant Permission Time. If you allow for this feature, you change the Request Permission Time.
Select No permission required (default) to allow remote connection to your Host computer from anyone who satisfies restrictions you specify as authentication security settings.
Select Permission must be granted by Host if you want to know when a remote user attempts a connection. From the Host’s user must respond within list, select the time within which you must accept or reject a request. When a remote connection is requested, the Request Permission for Remote Desktop Window appears. You can accept or reject the request. If you do not respond within the specified time, the request is rejected automatically.
Select Permission requested from Host if you want to know when a remote user attempts a connection. From the connection continues after list, select the time after which the connection will be made. When a remote connection is requested, the Request Permission for Remote Desktop Window appears. You can accept or reject the request. If you do not respond within the specified time, the request is accepted automatically.
Select Lock workstation if permission not explicitly granted if you want the Host to lock the workstation prior to beginning a new remote control connection (if user is bypassing Host permission). This prevents the new user from "hijacking" the logged-in user's session unless he/she knows the credentials to unlock it.
Do not prompt for permission on logon or lock screen: If “Yes”, suppress any Permission for Connection dialogs when the Host console is displaying a logon or lock screen, accepting the default action. This can facilitate providing the Master access when the machine is unattended.
Grant Permission Time: Specify the period before the time-out when you require the Host computer operator to grant remote access permission to the Host computer.
Lock Workstation on Default: If "Yes", the workstation is locked if the "Permission to connect" dialog times out. The workstation is not locked if the console user responds to the dialog. If "No", the workstation is never locked.
Request Permission Time: Specify the period before the time-out when you allow the Host computer operator to grant remote access permission to the Host computer.
Time Zone: Specify the period for remote access.
Effects tab
Manage Visual Effects: Specify the how visual effects features are remotely controlled.
Effects: Sets the flags for the management of visual effects. Checking a box for a category causes that category of effects to be disabled during a connection.
Gateways tab
Gateways: List the Gateways to which this Host computer reports. These PROXY Pro Gateways must already be deployed in your network.
Require Gateway: Require that all remote connections through this Host computer be conducted through the listed PROXY Pro Gateway or servers. Deployment Tool Operation
Require Gateway for Admin: Require that all remote administration and remote management connections to this Host computer be conducted through the listed PROXY Pro Gateway or servers.
General tab
Beep on Connect/Disconnect: Request to hear a quick series of three tones rising in pitch whenever a remote connection succeeds. With this option, you also hear a series of tones falling in pitch when the remote connection is terminated.
Beep While Connected? Request to hear a short tone periodically, throughout the duration of any remote connection. You can set the interval between beeps from 0 to 9999 seconds. If you set this field to 0, then it turns the beeping off completely.
Extension Tags: Displays any name/value pairs specifying custom information for this Host.
Host Notifications: Sets the flags for enabling/disabling host notification popups. Checking a box enables that class of notifications. Unchecking a box disables that class of notifications.
Show icon while connected?: Display (or hide) the PROXY Pro Host tray icon when the service is running and there is an active remote connection.
Show icon while idle?: Display (or hide) the PROXY Pro Host tray icon when the service is running but there is no active remote connection.
Station Name: Modify the name by which your Host computer identifies itself to PROXY Pro Gateways or PROXY Pro Master users. Host station name macros are now supported. The Host station name can include strings in the form %MACRO%, and these macros are substituted at runtime for the correct values. This complements the $MACRO$ feature in PHSETUP, which provides a one-time substitution at PHSETUP runtime.
Host Console Watermarks: [new in v10.2] Select which watermark effects appear on the Host console when screen capture is active.
List of PROXY Pro Host Station Name Macros
%NAME% - Host computer machine name (DELL-XPS-123)
%USER% - Logged in user at the Host machine console (DOMAIN\username)
%USERNAME% - Logged in user at the Host machine console in “<username>” only format (username)
%USERUPN% - Logged in user at the Host machine console in UPN (universal principal name) format (username@domain)
%PIN% - Host Personal Identification Number (PIN) (e.g. “123456”)
%VER% - Host software version number (e.g. “10.0”)
%INTVER% - Internal Host software version number
%PID% - Process ID of the Host service
%PLATFORM% - Host operating system platform (e.g. “Win2012”)