Use the General tab to specify preferences for the PROXY Pro Master Cycling Monitor window. Set the following preferences:
uSet the number of seconds to display each connection in the PROXY Pro Master Cycling Monitor window using Cycling span. Select 0 to disable the automatic cycling through Host computers. This also disables the Connection > Start Cyclingand Connection > Stop Cycling menu commands in the PROXY Pro Master Cycling Monitor window.
uIf you check Always on top, the PROXY Pro Master Cycling Monitor window is always the top window.
uIf you check Activate if a new object has been appended, the PROXY Pro Master Cycling Monitor window is moved to the foreground as soon as you add a new Host computer to the list on the Cycling Monitor Hosts tab and attempt to establish a connection with that Host computer.
If you do not check Activate if a new object has been appended, remote Host computers are silently added to the Cycling Monitor Hosts list without attempting to establish a connection in the PROXY Pro Master Cycling Monitor window.