By default, PROXY Pro Master searches only your local network segment when it starts to poll for Host computers. To search for Host computers on a different network segment, a named search must be created.
To create, edit, or remove a search, click Manage in the Peer-to-Peer Hosts tab. The Manage Polling Ranges window appears.
The Ranges list displays any searches that you have specified and saved, as well as the default local network searches. The searches that can be saved include a single address, a range of addresses, or a grouping of previously saved searches. Three entries (<Local Network UDP/IPv4>, <Link Local Network UDP/IPv6>, and <Site Local Network UDP/IPv6>) represent the local networks to which you are connected. You cannot edit or remove any of them. You can edit or remove any other searches listed:
uClick Edit to change the definition of a selected search.
uClick Remove to delete a selected search from the list.
A new search can be created using either a custom polling range or a custom group by clicking New>>.