Opens both the PROXY Pro Master console window and the PROXY Pro Master Connection window, connecting to a computer whose DNS name is using the UDP/IP protocol, valid username, ACME\george, and password foo.
Command 2:
proxy.exe /PTCP /S""
Uses the TCP/IP protocol to connect to a remote Host computer with network address, using the local computer user credentials.
Command 3:
proxy.exe /PTCP /S"jackson"
Uses the TCP/IP protocol to connect to a remote Host computer named jackson with local computer user credentials. All other PROXY Pro Master console window configuration parameters are specified in the current configuration of PROXY Pro Master.
Command 4:
proxy.exe /PTCP /S"jackson" jackson.prx4
Uses the TCP/IP protocol to connect to a remote Host computer named jackson with local computer user credentials. All other PROXY Pro Master console window configuration parameters are specified in the PROXY Pro Master shortcut file named jackson.prx4.
Command 5:
proxy.exe /PTCP /W"Jackson" /Sjackson
Uses the TCP/IP protocol to connect to a remote Host computer named jackson with local computer user credentials. The resulting Connection Window is titled jackson.
Command 6:
proxy.exe /H /PUDP /S"jackson"
Uses the UDP/IP protocol to connect to a remote Host computer named jackson with local computer user credentials, and hides the PROXY Pro Master console window for this connection.
Command 7:
proxy.exe jackson-2008-04-24.prxrec
Opens a Playback window to play the recording file “jackson-2008-04-24.prxrec" from local file store