PROXY Pro Host User Guide

PhSetup Syntax Examples

The following examples illustrate how you can use PHSETUP to configure PROXY Pro Host:
u   phsetup name:HowdyDoody sets the Host computer station name to HowdyDoody.
u   phsetup name:"Julia's Game Machine" sets the Host computer station name to Julia’s Game Machine.
u   phsetup name:"Julia’s ""little"" machine" sets the Host computer station name to Julia’s "little" Machine.
u   phsetup access:time timezone:0000000000000000FCFF03000000FCFF03000000FCFF03000000FCFF03000000FCFF03 sets access restrictions, so that the Host computer is locked from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
u   phsetup addgateway:"IP,@" adds a PROXY Pro Gateway to which the Host computer reports using UDP/IP.
u   phsetup removegateway:all removes all PROXY Pro Gateways from the PROXY Pro Host reporting list.
u   phsetup addservicesecurityace:"mydomain\YourRemoteControlGateway,0xE00FF" addadminsecurityace:"mydomain\YourRemoteControlGateway,0xE000F" addsettingssecurityace:"mydomain\YourRemoteControlGateway,0xE00FF" assigns full access control to a domain account (mydomain\YourRemoteControlGateway). You can use this command to assign full access control rights to your PROXY Pro Gateway domain account, or any other domain account.
NOTE: Enter all commands and parameters on one line. Due to limited page width, some of the following examples present commands on multiple lines.